Ours. over da months..

many years.

surprisingly not mani pics were taken yst nite ad cocolatte. and even if i took,dey looked lik shit.so i'l rather nt post em'. hahhas. okays. sooo.. everyting wasz OKAY only. got high cos of d' music , but its lik so small. when we entered. we were lik.."dots".. waited for lik 11 b4 al da dancing started.. hahhas.. ok a day to rememb w mani differ of dem. even those tat had nvr danced b4 or lik listened to rnbs started to shake. hahas. okay.
left ard 230+ den walked to nearest coffeeshop to hv our supper.mmM.. aft tt ken sent us home. not our homes but crys's. hahha.slept ad her guest room. =)slack chatted laughed till 5 b4 our eyes shut..
more dancing 2 cum alon..=)))
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